71 Me too and me neither

今天我们将学习两个简单而实用的英语表达:Me too(我也是)与Me either(我也不)。让我们来看一下这两个短语的实际用法:I speak English.(我说英语)Me too.(我也是);I don’t speak Greek.(我不说希腊语)Me neither = Me either.(我也不说希腊语);I play the guitar.(我弹吉他)Me too.(我也是);I don’t play football.(我不踢足球)Me neither.(我也不踢足球)I work every day.(我每天工作)Me too.(我也是)I ...

213 Me too and me either - variations

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora variations with me too and me neither/either (variaciones con "yo también" y "yo tampoco"). “Like” this class ...

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